Both subscriptions automatically renew based on the term chosen

Payment Options

Choose the subscription that works for you.  We have two options, an annual subscription at $99.99 (2 months FREE) or a monthly subscription at $9.99.  The "SUBSCRIBE" button will direct you to PayPal where you make your payment. 

The email address you use in PayPal will be the address you receive your weekly email.  You will receive a welcome email "test" to make sure that your payment was successful.  Check your spam folder, if you don't receive your welcome email within 48 hours let us know!

Now that your subscription is paid for and you've received your welcome email, follow the 3 steps in your welcome email to help you understand how to allocate your funds.  At anytime if you have questions, let us know!


Many of you participate in an employer sponsored retirement plan (401K, 403(b), 457, etc.), but have a challenging time in deciding which investments to allocate your funds to or how much money to put away each paycheck.  Now you can get EXPERT advice for a fraction of the cost!  ESRP TIPS 4 U is a weekly email subscription that helps you decide how to allocate your funds in your employer sponsored retirement plan based on expert knowledge and over 20 years of market research and analysis.  You choose the subscription that works best for you, and we make investing in your ESRP SIMPLE!